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Interview with The Yesters – Kingston City Morgue

By Joshua (J.Smo) Smotherman | August 16, 2023

Still from music video Kingston City Morgue by The Yesters

In this interview spotlight, I chat with The Yesters about AI in the music industry, choosing a favorite song of all time, the latest music, and more.

AI (aka Artificial Intelligence aka Chat GPT 4.0)… How is it changing the music world? What are your thoughts about this new trend?

In our case, we’re going to make music because we have to, because we need to, and thrive on the experience of doing it.  It’s hard to make a living at it until something takes off for whatever read – but I just don’t think AI can do what people do, there’s no experience in it, no collaboration, no imagination, no craziness.  Hopefully people will continue to see, hear and feel the difference between something canned or fresh – be it for a music we listen to for pleasure, a concert or film or tv show we see.  Because we are human we crave knowing about other humans, and music, art, film, theater, is an expression of our humanness.  AI is not human and can only approximate that, and I think people will continue to crave, want and seek out the real thing.

Kingston City Morgue – is a result of quite a few imaginations in collaboration to create something that might shed some light, humor and awareness for whoever might listen.  AI can’t do that, because it doesn’t have vision, desire, or feeling.  

What is your favorite song of all time?  

We really don’t have one.  We love listening to music of everyone from Beethoven to Bob Marley, Joni Mitchell to the Stones to Janis Joplin.  

What about Kingston City Morgue makes you most proud? Was there a specific goal you were trying to accomplish with this release?  

How Gary, Ed Kuri who composed the music, and I collaborated and trusted developing the lyrics and music to where the song needed to go, given all our sensibilities. A shout out to the musicians who recorded with, Tony Tino on Bass, Phil Bloom, Ed Kuri on guitar and the spectacular Danny Kean on keyboard. 

What inspires you to create music? What motivates you to keep going? 

A chance to turn things on its head, turn it around, and make poetry with music out of difficult or dark times – something that reframes and makes experiences we don’t know how to feel deeply or react to in a way hit us beyond our logical or illogical senses.  

If you could collaborate with anyone – dead or alive, famous or unknown – who would it be and why?

OK…. Well I’ll pick something out of this world but plausible… The Rolling Stones – I’d love to them do one of our songs or do one of their songs and get to sing live with Mick Jagger or collaborate on a new song – whatever!  I grew up listening to them and have seen them live over multiple decades – I’d be beyond thrilling!  Or Ray LaMontagne – I love his voice, his music and lyrics – one of his songs or ours, I would love to harmonize with him on anything!

What was the last song you listened to? Favorite all-time bands/artists?

Oh jeez, the last song… I think it was Natalie Merchant’s Break Your Heart – but to continue from before a few more people we listen to Aretha Franklin, Queen, Jimi Hendrix, Jefferson Airplane, Roberta Flack, The Beatles, Joe Cocker, Traci Chapman, Kevin Kendrick, Beach Boys, Ray LaMontagne, Radiohead, Led Zeppelin, Crosby, Stills, Nash, and Young, Perfume Genius, Elliot Smith, Fun, Pink Floyd, Mumford & Sons, Imagine Dragons, Stone Pony’s…

Where is the best place to find you and stay connected?

Follow The Yesters wherever you listen to music, Spotify, SoundCloud, Apple, Amazon Music. There is a new piece coming out called “Billy Blue” and you can follow @theyesters on Instagram & FB. 

I appreciate Your time. Want to say or plug any other projects before we part ways?

Feature films ReRUN – starring Christopher Lloyd, Teo Rapp-Olsson, Allison Frasca, Amelia Dudley et al is modern day twist on It’s A Wonderful Life, streaming on Amazon & Tubi.  The Pack starring Lucie Arnaz, Zach Galligan, Tibor Feldman and Elisabeth Moss in a cameo, grapples with personal responsibility in a legally plausible case surrounding a family and second-hand smoke. Rain Without Thunder stars Jeff Daniels, Linda Hunt, Ming Na Wen, Steve Zahn & Austin Pendleton in a non-polemic pseudo docudrama about reproductive rights. Aberrant stars Jack Quaid, Justine Magnusun, Tibor Feldman and the late great Roger Robinson, in a drama about a troubled young man who’s obsessed with his best friend and shows up uninvited to his wedding.  

And lots of award winning festival short films on StonestreetTV.